Toolbars and menu options

See Also

The whole ethos of the Grabber2k interface is simplicity and straightforward functionality. This is why we have opted for non-dockable toolbars similar to those found on the Netscape browser. The toolbar in the Capture form and the Viewer are similar to each other in the otions offered and is like those found on Netscape. All of the functions found on the Toolbars can also be found on the menu's of each of these forms also. The Toolbars hold the main functions available within each form, therefore making the interface quicker and easier.

The toolbar functions are :-

Capture form
From left to right, the options on the Capture form toolbar are Save, Copy the image to clipboard, Capture Settings, Printer Settings, Print the current image, Invoke the Viewer, About

From left to right, the otions on the Viewer for toolbar are Open image - this opens the current image with it's associated program, Copy the image to clipboard, Delete the image(s), Capture Settings, Printer Settings, Print the current image, Explore the image directory, About

Toolbar and window options explained
To the first time user, some of the options on the these toolbars are not clear as to what they do. Below is a more in depth explaination of each of these.

Open image : Invoking this option will cause the current image to be displayed in the the default viewer for the file type. If Microsoft Paint is the default application for BMP's and JASC Paint Shop Pro is the default viewer for JPG's, then if we click on this option for a JPG image file, Paint Shop Pro will be opened in the backgound and the selected image will opened within Paint Shop Pro, ready for editing.

Copying the image to the clipboard : Invoking this option will cause the current image found on that form to be copied into the Windows clipboard. This means that if you open another program, such as Microsoft Paint, Wang Imaging or Jasc Paint Shop Pro, you should be able to go to the Edit menu and select Paste and the image will be copied into a new / or the existing Window. From within those applications you can then manipulate your captured image.

Capture Settings : Clicking on this, will start the Settings dialog.

Explore the image directory : Invoking this option will open a Windows explorer view of the image directory and consequently of the image files. From within this Windows explorer, you can delete or rename any file and the changes will be seen instantly in the viewer also.

Delete the image(s) : Invoking this option will delete whatever image(s) has / have been selected. This could be more than one image. If you do not know how to multi-select images, then read the keyboard shortcuts topic.

Printer Settings : Invoking this option will call the printer settings for Windows and will allow you to define which printer you are going to use and what printing options you require for that printer. Every printer is slightly different, so the options available to Grabber2k for printing will differ from printer to printer.

Print the current image : Invoking this option will print the current image on the current printer with the current printer settings. It will also take the settings defined in the Advanced options of the Settings dialog and use those when printing also.

Invoke the Viewer :

Hiding the toolbars
To hide toolbars or to display hidden toolbars again, there is a small button to the left of every toolbar, if you click on this is will appear or disappear.